James was born in Pensacola, Florida and grew up fishing, swimming and scuba diving in the crystal clear water of Morrison’s Spring and hunting and exploring the swamps of the Choctawhatchee (Choc-taw-hatchee) River that runs from Alabama, through the Florida Panhandle, to the Choctawhatchee Bay near Ft Walton Beach and Destin. Music was the creative spark that began a lifetime journey as a writer, musician and songwriter. He began writing songs after learning to play guitar at age 10 and continued performing with various rock bands throughout high school and college. Chasing a fascination with airplanes, James joined the USAF and was selected for an assignment with the Quick Strike Reconnaissance Test Project, Tactical Air Warfare Center, Eglin AFB, Florida. After the USAF, he toured with a professional rock band as second lead guitar. Surrendering to the fact that bills must be paid, James turned to his electronics skills and accepted a job in the Defense Industry, and later, with the US Government. He also continued pursuing aviation and earned his pilot’s wings in 1982. His Aftermath Series is a fiction, action-adventure of both science fiction and fact. The characters are realistic, diverse and complex. The story takes the reader on a fascinating journey into the lives of a small group of people who are fighting for survival in a very different world from the one we know, and yet a world to which we can relate… battling terrorism.